after almost 15 days, me and lance are going back to UAE. marvin will be trying out as a chance passenger.... i will be coming back with a confused mind, a love and respect going down the drain and a trust that is completely broken. as to how marvin will fix things, that i do not know and is yet for me to find out. as for now, he claimed that everything's over between him and the girl. he told me that from now on i shouldn't worry about it. to show that he has nothing to hide anymore, i will now be taking care of his finances including allowances which he needs to send to the philippines. though i still have doubts on his claims i am risking again at the moment because lance embraces him at night, the delos reyes family loves lance so much and because i know he would do the best thing for lance (or the next best thing, at least). i made him choose which family he plans to build and he chose us. this is something i should hold on for now... (okay, aside from the fact that i know he got ditched out, bwahahaha).
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