Sunday, April 19, 2009

Behind Schedule

work is piling up big time! hay naku! before i finish a task, two or more additional tasks will be handed over. kumusta naman yun?! i wanna cry out loud, "look i only have two hands!" to my colleagues who think that they are the only ones who are working hard.

what's more frustrating is, i have lots of personal goals that i need to do and i am already so behind schedule of accomplishing them as i render an extra hour or two at the office. ggrrr... i am chasing deadlines while lab engineers are passing their batons to me. ka-gigil!

as for my list of MAJOR things to do for the next couple of months:
  1. 3rd to 4th wk of April - research, research, research
  2. end of April - submit state sponsorship and DIAC applications.
  3. 1st to 2nd wk of May - make philippine vacation itinerary and plans.
  4. 3rd to 4th wk of May - planning for Angels@Work activity.
  5. 1st to 2nd wk of June - vacation preps

hindrances and solutions:

  1. slow internet browsing - i need a new laptop!!!
  2. lost calls (ahihi) - i need a new mobile phone. =( a 100-dirham worth is fine with me. i just need something to make and take calls without automatic hanging-up. a donor will be appreciated. :D
  3. insufficient hours in a day - drink more coffee. make-believe that a day is actually 48 hours, so today is still yesterday and tomorrow's still today.
  4. lack of money - this is indirectly a hindrance. hihi. having more will surely help smoothen out executions of plan nos. 1 to 5.