8 P.M., Le Meridian Hotel, Talay Restaurant... this was where we met up to have our Ladies' Night Out with colleagues (me, Jovy, Pilar and Silvia). it was a Thai restaurant. at first, i wasn't too excited about the place since the Thai food i was able to taste back in the Philippines is just okay, but not that grand to actually crave into.
however, for tonight it was something different. the menu list is helpful as it had pictures of cute little chilis beside the name of the menu to guide the picker as to how "hot" the food is. 1 little chili for mild, 2 little chilis for moderate and 3 little chilis for above average hotness... hehe. we had soup for starters. i don't remember the thai name for the soup that i had. but it is a clear soup with prawns, mushrooms, asparagus, bell peppers and brocolli. no chili please! =) it was good! as i finish it up, i can't believe i was able to eat something with garlic! hihi. yep, it has garlic also, but i only notice (and tasted) it at the last portion after i have devoured the rest of the stuffs in the soup. hehe.
for the main menu, we had a seafood grill of all sorts... prawns, lobster, hammour and other types of fishes with butter and lemon sauce and a chili sauce, to choose from. we also had seafood fried rice on the side and mixed veggies to go along with the seafood feast. of course, we ordered a bottle of red wine to go with the carbos. i had a few sips so little baby was kinda tipsy that made him behaved while mommy do some socializing. hihi. overall, the food was just great and the chit-chat was not so bad as well! =)
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