we went back to Central area via the ferry boat from TST. from the TwoIFC mall (this mall was said to be as tall as the Petronas of Malaysia. nde naman pala kataasan, diba?) , we searched for the Mid-level Escalators which was not difficult to do since directions were posted every step of the way. this escalator was included in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest covered escalator. galing! the escalators were connected until it brings you up the Soho area.

the towering TwoIFC Mall
reaching the end of the escalators, we had about a 30-minute walk to the Zoological/Botanical Garden (this was not in the original IT that i made, but we were able to pass by this area from garden road towards the tram terminal. we were able to save one bus ride, haha. however, taking this route going to the tram terminal was kinda difficult to explain, since one have to use cylindrical roads and lots of walking. anyway, if my parents were able to withstand the walking, while me and my sister were able to locate ourselves versus where we are at the map, so can any healthy and smart person! hehe. do get some inspiration from us, ok? =)

snapshot among the ponsettias inside the garden

it's still chilly though one could see a little bit of sunshine

parang gusto ko ng ice cream... hehe
Central buildings as backdrop
we took the tram on our way to Victoria Peak. the tram ride was the most exciting and thrilling part of this trip! the said machine is pulled by huge cables going up and down, in 45 degrees angle of inclination! really a tram ride to heaven!!! haha (which reminded me of the Tokyo Disneyland ride we had back then)! by the way, the total tram fee was HK$30 (10 up & 20 down, or was it the other way around? hehe. ah basta, that's the cost of damage on the pocket).
up by the peak, the site itself was having some renovation. only the mall and some cafes were open though. the Wax Museum was also closed. =( we then took a walk through the 2.8 KM HK trail. only me and my dad finished the trail since my sister and mom decided to walk back after a quarter's length. hehe. we were not able to climb to the highest part of the area considering my parents' health. however, the HK trail itself has a good clearing about 1/3 of the way (if you take the way on the right side from the start) where you can appreciate the view of the HK cosmopolitan. the whole trail was about 2 hours of long walk. since it was at about past noontime when we were there, lahat na yata ng breed ng aso ay nakasalubong namin! haha. it was the time for dogwalking for most expats who live in the area. yep, there were still quite a number of brits living in this posh side of town. =)

the tram...part of the past yet still carries the thrill of the future!
view of HK cosmopolitan from the peak
we got down from the peak with a tram ride for the second time. still as exciting as it was upwards! =) at the peak tram station, we took the bus (bus #15) ride back to Admiralty. we took a long walk inside a mall which later brought us back to Central Star Ferry Pier Station, where we took another ferry ride to TST.
after a last minute short shopping in TST, we were able to get ready to ride back to airport at 5:00 PM already. since our flight was at 9:00PM, we were supposed to be at the airport at 6 PM. looking and figuring out where to take the Airport Express could be time consuming (we still have to get back to Central Station if we are to take the AE), so we just took a bus ride at the bus stop just across Mirador Mansion.
at the airport, we opted to eat at Banana Leaf restaurant. my first time to eat here and i just love their pasta that with grilled flavor. sorry, i failed to get the name of the menu since i chose it based on how it looked on the counter photo. hehe. anyhow, it really is yummy!
right before boarding time, i was surprised to see Sir Joey (and another employee) from a former employer in the Philippines. small world indeed. they came from a business trip from Shanghai. good for them! a trip to Hong Kong for free. =)
as for us, we had a tiring trip back to our dear motherland and had a safe touchdown around 11PM. to sum it all up, we have had memorable 4 days of our lives. Hong Kong is a great place to see and come back to. i definitely will! hehe. a 4-day trip is not enough to tour and do great things in the said country. i strongly suggest at least a week of stay. =) that gives the traveller, in our case, the backpackers (hehe).. a chance to tour around on most places and discover more things than what you can see with your eyes. that is, to actually live the Hong Kong way. =)

my sister and me... with our wide close-up smiles. =)
nanay and tatay... all smiles din!
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