Thursday, November 12, 2009

Visa Grant!!

first thing i did when i arrived in my office was open my facebook account. lol. ssshhh... anyway, from there, i received a message which made my day horrible. it was a personal message from someone i don't know and who may have the habit of ruining someone's day. she did succeeded but i do hope i have her's twice miserable. ngahaha.

after making sure i have redeemed myself, i opened my office email application and lo and behold! an email from my case officer telling me that our visa application's approved and granted! yipppeeee!!! couldn't believe it yet so happy!! :)

yep, 6 months after the lodgment date, no agency... just lots of reading, hardwork and prayers (plus a little help from friends!), paid off! a million thanks guys and gals! goodluck to all of us to the journey to the land down under. hihi.

so, for those who try their luck in seeking Australian Immigrant Visa, here's an outline of what we did:
  1. download Booklet 6 from website.
  2. read Booklet 6 over and over again until you have undertood it by heart.
  3. assess yourself against the checklist if you meet the minimum points required. i yes, proceed with the next steps. Otherwise, try NZ or Canada??
  4. register in forum.
  5. took IELTS exam.
  6. have your qualification assessed by a respective assessing body. in my case, i had mine assessed by Engineers Australia.
  7. upon receiving positive assessment result from EA, lodged online application.
  8. got questions along the way? confused? refer to step # 1 or ask in step # 4.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

nope, not for me.... for lance, who else?! lol. i told myself that we ought to be very wise when it comes to spending money these days because of the expenses that we're expecting for next year. anyhow, i just couldn't help myself. i just love planning birthday parties! :) i will try my best to keep the expenses to the minimum and yet still make the party awesome.

for his 3rd birthday, his theme would be jungle safari. i chose this theme for him because by the time he gets to choose his own theme, i bet he won't be choosing the animals anymore. hehe. secondly, a jungle safari theme would mean less DIYs. well, i hope! hahaha.

i have been browsing around and based from my researches, this would be the Party Plan:
  1. theme : jungle safari
  2. venue : at the park or home
  3. decorations : green, brown and yellow inspired, animal standees, luminaries (if venue's in a park)
  4. food : BBQ, hotdog on stick, spicy chicken, lasagna
  5. desserts : choco-covered mallows, chocolate cake, Jelly-O's, buko pandan
  6. give-aways : mugs (adults) and lunch boxes (kids) - haha. yep, i already bought these!
  7. attire : request the kids to wear white shirt and khaki shorts/pants
  8. games :
  • kiddie games -
  • adult games -
So, what's at stake?
  1. i need to find a perfectly moist chocolate cake recipe.
  2. i need to learn how to cook lasagna.
gosh, challenge of all challenges ito ah! goodluck na lang sa akin at sa mga attendees namin. :D
