Thursday, November 16, 2006

i have been feeling "less important" the past days at work since i now work less at the lab. however, taking in-charge of the SEM and thin section presentation for the Open Day yesterday have made up my self-esteem. Aside from the vocal praises i received from our director, i also received a documented one. hehe. here's what he says...


I would like to thank everyone for their participation in the Open Day yesterday. I think it went very well. We’ll see how many students decide to major in Geoscience. I particularly want to thank Myleen (Great job!), Silvia (Students really seemed to be interested in fossils!), James and his earthquakes, Jovy, Sree, Vicky, Pilar, and the faculty who spent the entire day interacting the students (classes permitting). I can’t overstress how important this kind of activity is in making
Geosciences attractive and interesting.

Thanks again,
Dr. Robert D.
Petroleum Geosciences
